Orientation Day 2024

Posted on June 23, 2024

Date: 22 June 2024

Time: 8.00 am – 12.00 pm

Venue : C15-C18 , D2-D3

Our orientation was held on the 22nd of June. The purpose of this activity was to welcome our new members to join our PCGHS Harmonica Big Family. This event was organised by our F3’s. First of all, our emcee, Wang Yu Qian, introduced the procedure of the event to the members and introduced our committee members to the newbies. After that, our president, Koay En Qi, and vice president, Soon Yu Qian, were invited to deliver speeches to our members. Afterwards, our discipline head, Lu Jin Rong, and vice-discipline head, Cheng Yun En, introduced our band rules to the newbies.

Following this, our seniors and newbies were separated into eight groups to play station games prepared by the F3’s. At 12:00 pm, our game time finished. After calculating the scores earned by each group from the station games, our emcee, Wang Yu Qian, announced the winners of the day, which were Group 3 and Group 2. An awards ceremony was held, and two representatives from the F3’s presented the winners’ gifts to the group members. Next was our group photo session, where every member took a photo together.

In conclusion, this event was indeed successful. Thanks to this event, every member got closer and created unforgettable memories. Our Form 3 members also gained a lot of valuable experience while preparing for this event.

An awards ceremony was held for the winners of Group 2.

Some fun memories were created while playing station games.

Everyone was listening to our president’s speech and the discipline head’s speech explaining the rules.

A group photo was taken of all members who attended this event.

» Filed Under Activity report, Co-curriculums' Blog


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